Saturday, February 25, 2012



In our days it is important to have a knowledge on basic accounting to carry a successful control of our lives economic, take this control will help the person physical or legal that read this manual, to acquire knowledge about accounting basic terms and process and so serves, besides to have a better vision on the steps to follow to take your company a proper order and will not suffer from damage penalized by the law or other institutions to the breaching with some procedure or not to implement the necessary documentation for made movements.

Our aim is provide information to all people about the guidelines and processes that must be managed in an enterprise. Besides the importance of information about how to manage your finances, then consider that if each person has a growth on accounting can be applied both personally also can expand your mind and have a better position on the rights and duties of a a citizen of Costa Rica. Since in many cases the mismanagement of our rights and we as citizens are due to ignorance of processes.


Share basic information about important steps in accounting
Provide the reader with information about how to run a business
Give information on why it is important to have knowledge of accounting


In this manual, you may find the following information:
  • Accounting basic concepts
  • Management accounting and tax accounting
  • Main Ledger accounts
  • Bank recomciliation
  • Petty cash
  • Fixed assets and depreciation
  • Five essential funtions of accounting
  • T count and doble entry accounting
  • Journal entries
  • Financial statement
  • Accounting book
  • Commercial documents


To expand vocabulary terms about the book we offer the next page where you can clarify any doubts:

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